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It is proven that Indonesian is very easy. If you want to make a cardinal number, just say “ke-“ in front of its cardinal number. Look at the table and hear me to know how these numbers are pronounced. Afterwards, look also at the first lesson.

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No. Cardinal Numbers [] Ordinal Numbers

1st= Pertama or kesatu
2nd= Kedua
3rd= Ketiga
4th= Keempat
5th= Kelima
6th= Keenam
7th= Ketujuh
8th= Kedelapan
9th= Kesembilan
10th= Kesepuluh
11st= Kesebelas
12nd Kedua belas
13rd= Ketiga belas
14th= Keempat belas
15th= Kelima belas
16th= Keenam belas
17th= Ketujuh belas
18th= Kedelapan belas
19th= Kesembilan belas
20th=Kedua puluh
21st= Kedua puluh satu
22nd= Kedua puluh dua
23rd= Kedua puluh tiga
24th= Kedua puluh empat
25th= Kedua puluh lima
Dan seterusnya (etc.)

1. Saya orang pertama yang masuk kelas ini = I am the first man who came in this class.
2. Kamu orang ketiga yang membeli buku itu = You are the third man who bought that book.
3. Dia orang keduapuluh yang lulus ujian = She/he is the 20th (wom)man who passed the exam.

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